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Social marketing is one of the most powerful ways to gain search engine exposure and literally force the search engines to send you free targeted traffic for what ever niche you choose.
With social media sites and social networking going mainstream all around the globe, it's not a matter of IF, but WHEN you will begin to apply this powerful leverage to your own business.
How to build a perpetual organic traffic generator is what this article is going to show you. Taking a view at a social marketing traffic system from above 30,000 feet it can be broken down to five component parts:
1. Central Content Hub: Your search engine optimized, wordpress blog hosted on your own simple server and loaded with a ping list, plug ins and widgets to make it a highly leveraged, search engine ranking magnet where you will post your relevant, valuable, keyword focused content. This is where everything starts.
(Special note: the value of your content is critical in converting traffic to sales. Garbage content still attracts nobody.)
2. Content Syndication: The art and science of building social media networks, followers, Facebook friends, and friends in other social media sites such as DIGG, REDDIT, Propeller, StumbleUpon, Delicious and many, many others is key to allowing you to take one piece of content and leverage your social networks to viral 'push' your content out on the internet in different sites so that you gain more backlinks to your blog, more social 'buzz' and exposure which gets your content ranked higher in the search engines and also provides internal 'network community' traffic to your blog as well.
3. Social Networks: As stated in step 2, social networks can be broken down into two categories: YOUR social networks (followers on twitter, friends on Facebook and your personal friends databases in other social sites) and GENERAL social networks (the built in communities inside the social networking sites themselves). As you build relationships with your networks you can 'buzz' or promote your content to them and they in turn can buzz THEIR networks about your content and viral content syndication, or 'social buzz' is generated.
This also will alert the social communities themselves that your content is popular with the community and your content will raise and gain even more exposure in the social media sites, generating powerfully leveraged free traffic back to your blog.
4. Search Engine Exposure: By using focused keywords well in your content that your target market is already searching for on the search engines, and by using strategic back linking strategies to increase the number of back links to your specific blog posts, you literally force the search engines to rank and index your content and you rise to the first page in the search engines for more exposure, attracting free, organic, targeted traffic in real time. Once your content is indexed on the first page of Google, and you simply maintain it by posting other content with backlinks to your original post, this can be a long term listing on Google and other search engines that will generate targeted traffic to your blog every day, all day, around the world.
In addition to the search engine optimization strategies of keyword focus and back linking tactics, the social buzz created by a popularity ranking on your social media sites will give you additional back links to your content which will force the search engines to believe that your content is even more relevant. More exposure and more traffic is generated this way as well.
5. Internet Marketing Funnel: Steps 1 - 4 above are all designed to help your attract targeted traffic for free, and to build relationships of trust with your social networks by providing them valuable content. As this traffic gets to your blog to read your content, they also get exposed to your marketing funnel (lead capture page, autoresponder, sales web site) through invitation links in your posts, banners on your blog or links on your blog offering your prospects free newsletters, video tutorials, 8 day email bootcamps, etc. They click on a link or banner, opt in to receive information, and are funneled to your various offers and sales letters, generating sales for you.
This is truly a simple and focused SYSTEM that anybody can use in any market niche to generate free search engine traffic, build relationships and ultimately have a totally automated system generating free leads, and closing more sales in any legitimate online business.
You Have ONLY 2 Chores to do in this system:
1. Produce High Quality Content relevant to your niche.
2. Syndicate Content.
That's it. Once you build it, all you do is focus on producing and syndicating content. The rest is handled by the search engines and social media networking sites. Implementing a powerful social marketing system like this is how to fully bend the web to your wishes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2415838

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