At creation, our good God created everything with His spoken word and
made man in His image, giving him "dominion over the fish of the sea,
over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moveth upon
the earth" (Gen 1:28 KJV). "And God saw every thing that He made and
behold it was very good......." (Gen 1:31 KJV)
Life as designed by
our loving Father was a wonderful experience for man until sin marred
it all. Today we talk of global economic meltdown with millions of paid
employees losing their jobs, kidnapping, declining life expectancy,
falling quality of life, etc.
Of the world's 6.5 billion people,
according to World Bank Development Report (2007), 2.8 billion live on
less than $2 a day, while another 1.2 billion live on less than $1 a
day. The poor are being pushed further into extreme poverty arena,
moving them from absolute to abject poverty status.
Youth unemployment is growing by the day.
businesses are closing down due to harsh operating environment.
Retirees and retrenched workers are facing economic shock as most of
them did not plan their exit from paid employment
Our tertiary
institution graduates have no entrepreneurial skills. In the midst of
this storm, we have a safety-net in our Lord. But He expects to use our
God-given abilities, skills, intellect to move forward.
should have a dream, a vision to start and sustainably run their own
small enterprise; a vision that ensures that your existing business
survives the melt-down.
The path to that dream and vision is Entrepreneurship, a globally tested path out of poverty and financial dependence
2. Key Objectives of the Paper
To help you see the attractions in starting your own small scale enterprise
To understand how entrepreneurs think and behave
To help you develop an enterprise mindset
To expose you to the fundamentals of starting your own small business
To show you how to grow and sustain your business and make it profitable
3. Entrepreneurs
Who is an entrepreneur?
Studies the business environment
Thinks out business ideas
Identifies a business opportunity
Validates and evaluates the idea
Creates a Vision
Draws his/her Business Plan
Assembles Resources
Starts-up the business and gets committed
Continually scans the environment
4. How do Entrepreneurs think and behave?
Dreamers that follow their dream
Passionate about their idea
They are "restless" with opportunities, skills, etc.
They are "no limit" thinkers like Apostle Paul (Philippians 4:13)
Willingness to take risks
Desire for Independence
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