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Yes you can earn good passive income by promoting Small Scale Businesses Online. African Entrepreneurs are not as tech savvy as their fellow entrepreneurs in the developed countries. The only thing some of them know about the internet is that scam artists use the internet to defraud. I have an Uncle that it took months of persuasion before he agreed to have an email address. Sounds funny, but it is true. Using Nigeria as an example, more than 90% of small scale businesses conduct their business transactions offline. Searching for their name in Google will produce an zero return. Many of the Nigerian Entrepreneurs in this category knows next to nothing about the great potential that online advertisement offers.
Did you catch the point?
This obvious need for web presence among the local small scale business in Africa is a wonderful opportunity for any online entrepreneur. You can easily package an offer and make presentation to such local business owners. You will need to explain to the entrepreneurs that
  • Yellow pages, Television and Radio Advertisement are no longer as effective as they used to be. People now search for information using Google!
  • Small scale businesses that do not have their presence online will soon find themselves at a great disadvantage.
  • It is an established fact that more and more Africans are getting online to search for information. Some are getting used to conducting their transactions online via internet enabled cellphones.
  • Every small scale entrepreneur, be it a chef, plumber, hairdresser, grocery seller etc, can have a presence online so as to capture the local market effectively. Why will I go out looking for a grocery store that offers my special body cream when I can simply use Google to search for such.
Here are three quick tips:The business opportunities that can be developed from this NEED are quite numerous, but I will just point out three to get you started.
  1. You can offer cheap website design and hosting for small scale business.
  2. You can develop a localized website portal that serves as an online yellow page.
  3. You can offer webmaster services to entrepreneurs who are not technical savvy.
Let's face it, you only need to scratch your head a little and you will get an opportunity you can work on. I am already working on this idea and I already have two local entrepreneurs as my clients. It took less than a day to convince them and do I need tell you that it is a profitable business! Hey, give it a shot, you too can start earning money online legitimately. Those local small scale business owners will love you for helping them promote their business to the millions out there. If you need assistance in any way, drop by my site, Nigerian Entrepreneur, I will be willing to give all the help I can. See you at the top! Cheers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2259417

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